English Books and CD
Frank Alper left us timeless knowledge from the 1980s, which we will now publish, one by one, in book form as well as e-pub and Amazon Kindle.
We will be statring with the 4 volumes of "Moses and the Bible"; The Story of Creation.
Followed by 5 volumes, "An evening with Christos"; A series of spiritual lectures channeled through the Soul of Rev. Frank Alper D.D.
We hope to start with publication in June 2024

Exploring Atlantis: Frank Alper's trilogy all in one
A complete edition of the trilogy "Exploring Atlantis", presenting Frank Alper's spiritually channelled lectures during 1980 through 1986 in Phoenix, AZ. A unique transmission of knowledge about the ancient Atlanteans' social, moral, sexual and spiritual customs and habits by Universal Masters such as Strength from Atlantis, Atemose II, Kryon, Pythagoras and others. A large part of the book is dedicated to the function and use of quartz crystals by the Atlanteans. Patterns of crystals for healing applications are explained throughout the book. One of his most important goals was to help individuals become free of emotional boundaries and achieve freedom for a fulfilled life. Countless people all over the world studied with him his spiritual philosophy, knowledge and great techniques and now carry on with his wonderful work. Frank Alper always made the statement that we, as human beings, are not here to have spiritual experiences, but we are spiritual beings who are here to have human experiences.
Link to order Printbook and Epub (with this link you find the cost for the book in your currency).

Frank Alper's book: "Our Existence is Mind"
Healing Methods for the 3rd Millennium
"Through the power of mind, you create your reality." This simple mantra lies at the heart of Frank Alper's new book, Our Existence is Mind: Healing Methods for the 3rd Millennium (published by AuthorHouse). Serving as a reminder to be mindful of the effects of thoughts on behavior, Alper shares wisdom gleaned from many decades of working with thousands of clients suffering from physical ailments caused by emotional or mental conditions.
After more than 30 years spent researching how thoughts manifest themselves in reality, Alper comes forth with a book designed to enlighten readers about the implications of their attitude on their general well-being. A person's behavior is directly related to their state of mind, and if we can become aware of these influences, we can consciously apply them and cultivate what Alper calls the "true realities for our lives."
Link to order Printbook and Epub (with this link you find the cost for the book in your currency).

ATLANTEAN CHANTS I & II by Frank Alper (2 CDs)
The Atlantean chants are of the oldest sounds of this civilization. After many thousand years of silence they have been intuitively brought into the consciousness of Frank Alper. In his book " Exploring Atlantis" the worldwide appreciated healer and channel has explained the energetic qualities and the power of vibrations.
Since 1997 the Atlantean chants are produced on two CD's. 36 chants (also explained in the booklet) activate and stimulate the complete energetic pattern of feelings, the memory and the conscious express-form of behavior.
The sounds are specifically chosen with spiritual energy from the eternal universal dimensions. They are used for reinforcement of conscious sensitivity and to create connection to sources of energy of knowledge and development. These chants create an important connection within channeling, meditation, complete and integrated healings and therapies.